Sunday, October 24, 2010

My Opinion About Supernatural Concept

I love horror movies, however, supernatural horror movies are really frightening. Stories about ghosts, demons and all that paranormal activity going on around the world are really freaky. Just a few years ago, I did not believe in supernatural, I thought that it is just a bunch of stories that are made up by people with great imagination. I changed my mind a year ago when I had a chance to hear a story from my friend about her experience playing with the Ouija Board. She claimed that she and her friends set down in the park by a local school and begin playing around with Ouija Board—game that is for kids that are eight years old or older; at least that is what is written on the box. They had good luck because the little pointer on the board begin moving and answering their questions. What they found out is that the spirit’s name was Emma and that she died in a fire. As they kept asking questions they were learning more about the spirit, but later they decided to ask questions about themselves and their future and past. Surprisingly, the spirit answered questions that no one around the table would know, because those things were too personal to share with friends. At the end of the conversation when they asked if they can speak to Emma again, she answered “no,” when they asked why she answered, “dangerous.” That was the whole conversation. When my friend told me about it, I got goose bumps, because of how incredibly creepy and unbelievable it was. Myself, I would never try my luck with the Ouija Board, I am too scared that the spirit would stay with me.
After that story, I decided to do some more research about ghosts because it seemed like a fascinating topic. I had a chance to talk to a family’s friend, who was a detective investigating murder cases. He told us that they used to induce spirits to help solve investigations. They had good luck with some but the trick was that everyone that participated had to believe in spirits and their credibility. This made me believe in spirits and their power. The supernatural can be scary, but there are some things that prove that there are some positive things that come from ghosts.
Still, supernatural horror movies are way too scary, and I just do not enjoy watching them. The give me nightmares and later my imagination works everywhere and I feel like I see demons all around. So for most of the time I stay away from the supernatural movies. However, I do believe that it is a fascinating concept.

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